Jean-Luc Fafchamps
Sub Rosa
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1The Wave (2015)8:24
2Ainsi une courbe… (1996-99)14:12
3Lettre Soufie (2001)15:13
4Attrition (1990)15:46
5Multiples (2015)5:10

Seen from the outside: Ensemble(s) is the eighth release of Fafchamps composer, it is in a sense a kind of compilation of unreleased or rare pieces covering nearly three decades. Five essential pieces that count in the evolution of the composer's writing. Post-spectral works that definitively position Fafchamps as one of the important European composers. And it also weaves subtle links between him and Jean-Paul Dessy, him and Musiques Nouvelles, once created by Henri Pousseur. This disc is undoubtedly the best introduction to his work.

Seen from inside: At the instigation of Jean-Paul Dessy, the Musiques Nouvelles ensemble initiated all sorts of configurations to which I was often associated, and glad to be. This album is the journal of these criss-crossing collaborations: sometimes as part of the ECO (European Contemporary Orchestra) project, through which Musiques Nouvelles met the Ensemble Télémaque (from France) and Orkest de ereprijs (from the Netherlands) in a large orchestral formation; sometimes for a project produced with Art Zoyd (France); sometimes Claire Bourdet as a soloist. I am glad to present, united in one album, such different periods, contrasting collaborations and multiple encounters not merely due to coincidence but also to affinities. May my style, and the story of my questionings, give a certain consistency to this ensemble of beautiful collaborations. (Jean-Luc Fafchamps)