René Margraff / Malte Cornelius Jantzen
Split 2
Second Editions
Includes Instant Download
Edition of 100 copies, green or pink shells
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1René Margraff – Avrl I 11:50
2René Margraff – Avrl II 5:28
3Malte Cornelius Jantzen – Let Go 17:03

Second Editions is pleased to present two new complementing works by René Margraff and Malte Cornelius Jantzen, as a double a-side split album.

Margraff utilizes various beautiful ramblings from the one and only AL and weaves them into two floating pieces that are both a reflection and caricature on what punk (what about ambient?) actually is in the age of ever-bloodsucking tabloid consumerism and commercial image branding, and how to keep your head up as a protagonist/heroine.

Jantzen's side pays homage to a time when a kickflip down a flight of stairs mostly ended in bruised hands and knees. In what can barely be considered field recording, the sound of skateboard decks and wheels on cement and railing, the occasional shouts and murmurs form a "real-time listening piece" (aka a moment), most aptly titled after AL's acclaimed debut album.

Second Editions is coming full circle and is calling it a day. Half on "not punk pink" and other half on "complicated green" cassette shells. For good luck and good vibes!