And I Saw My Devil And I Saw My Deep Blue Sea
Mappa Editions
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1This Doesn't Exist Anymore 1:43
2It Started To Hurt And Then It Just Continued 1:46
3Everything You've Ever Dreamt Of And Less 2:23
4A Substitute For Experience 2:09
5Cyclopentane Fantasy 1:33
6Post Sport Principle 1:28
7Reverse Nightmare 1:51
8100 Feet To Burn On The Ground 1:23
9Dumb Milestone 2:17
10I'm Noticing The Blossoms More This Year 1:48
11The Extremes 2:02
12Terminally Online (For You) 1:38
13Underachievers Anonymous 2:54
14I Have Been To Heaven Once 1:47
15Old Love, Old Fears 2:43

Inspired by witnessing the broken tension and renewed possibilities of a laptop breaking down at a gig – not to mention the void left behind by the sudden end of a relationship – Pentu’s latest release is a jump-cut menagerie of musical moments. Sewn together into ‘And I Saw My Devil And I Saw My Deep Blue Sea’, these fifteen tracks continue the London-based producer’s active departure from the soundscapes and song structures that dominated their previous writing style. These disparate pieces slice themselves off into sudden silence, or veer into unpredictable sidebars, hopping from hyperactive instrumentals to beautifully deconstructed YouTube samples. Described by Pentu as “emotionally intuitive to write”, this is music by and for the endlessly scrolling modern mind – “navigating the world alongside the splintered, interruptive emotional hyper realities of social media.”

The sudden silences, drones, and interruptions are perhaps less surprising than the guitar-based textures of metal & shoegaze woven into several vital passages by Pentu. The result is a collage that encapsulates the erratic feeling, not only of a relationship’s end, but simply of navigating online mediascapes.”I found myself realising that my phone, the constant interrupter of nothingness and silence, was both a cause of depression (reliving memories, dating apps) and a relief from it (creating new friendships, distractions, also dating apps)”, says Pentu.

Pentu’s attempt to overcome content overload by actively curbing his setup of laptop-guitar--synth does little to reduce the scope of this album’s sonic palette. YouTube vlog samples (from videos with next-to-no views) are an attempt to recontextualise and dramatise material that “would have otherwise been throwaway moments lost in the internet”, adding staccato moments of reality to Pentu’s beautiful and jarring album-length paean to overstimulation.