Various Artists
River of Revenge: Brazilian Country Music 1929-1961, Vol. 2
Death Is Not The End
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1Tião Carreiro & Pardinho – Bully 2:41
2Lambarí & Laranjinha – I Was Called to a Party 2:47
3Nhô Pires & Pirangueiro – Product of the Cane 2:54
4Xerém & Bentinho – Little White Hawk 2:32
5Flauzino & Florêncio – Orange Fashion 2:59
6Irmãos Falsetti – Disappointment 1:58
7Raul Torres & João Pacífico – Festival of Bugs 2:41
8 Irm​ã​os Kurimori – Burned Horse 2:58
9Retrato & Retrói – New Love 3:13
10Mandi & Sorocabinha – What a Beautiful Girl 2:57
11Jo​ã​o Goiano & Goiazinho – Heartless Son 2:48
12Zé Carreiro & Carreirinho – Canoeist 2:50
13Riachão & Riachinho – The Life of Aleijadinho 3:15
14Nizio & Nézio – Lady of Aparecida 2:35
15 Laranjinha & Zequinha – Ugly Boy 3:02
16Leôncio & Leonel – Saying Goodbye 2:43

The second volume in a survey of a form of Brazilian country music known as música caipira ("hillbilly music") - a stripped-back forerunner to música sertaneja, the Brazilian equivalent to US country & western which in it's contemporary form has come to dominate the domestic music industry in recent decades. This collection covers some of the earliest recordings made by the pioneering folklorist Cornélio Pires at the end of the 1920s, through to records from the 30s, 40s & 50s and the beginning of the 60s.

Somewhat rooted in Portuguese troubadour folk traditions, música caipira is typically performed by a duo singing in parallel thirds and sixths, drawing upon a Portuguese-Brazilian style known as moda de viola - with the viola being the viola caipira, a Brazilian-style ten-string guitar that is the core instrument of the music. Born out of the "outback"-style region in north-eastern Brazil, these songs tell stories of pain, love, loss & betrayal - often backed by homemade guitars using invented tunings. Away from the polished pop country & western-stylings of the sertaneja, these recordings could be viewed as the Brazilian equivalent to the roots music of the American dustbowl or Appalachia.