Summer Kling
Morr Music
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morr 070-cd
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1Koffer A 0:55
2Binsen & Bast 5:29
3Land Ab 3:59
4Flosse 3:10
5Haus & Halm 5:39
6Lüftchen 2:17
7Halbton 3:34
8Zum Lüftchen 1:17
9Lilli 3:18
10Koffer Dill 2:57
11Sicht 4:10
12Flocke 3:08
13Wurf 3:06
14Walde 4:12
15Zu Walde 1:04
16Drehlicht 3:30

F.S.Blumm likes to get on his camping van with his guitar, drives to the south and writes his tracks on the bench in the back. On the road, in the tent, when it's raining, between barking dogs, beneath a blue sky, getting ready to jump into the sea.

Before, F.S.Blumm has immersed himself in Berlin, in the big city, where one can see and listen to the things the other people in the other cities make up. F.S.Blumm absorbs everything and takes it with him. On his way the input transforms into an output. From a distance one sees more clearly. F.S Blumm finds melodies, atmospheres and within the quiet the atmospheres do find him.

Back in Berlin F.S.Blumm invites friends to his place. They bring their instruments: a bass clarinet, a trumpet, a trombone, a flute... and they go in a chamber facing the back, where no tram can disturb them, where instrument and microphone can cuddle up in each other. Again, it has become familiar: barefooted steps on the wooden floor, the breath stays audible, transparent. String instruments ensnare harmonies and in peaceful familiarity the wind section lays on top of the crest of a wave. In soft lines.

The album's title »Summer Kling« shall be understood as an encouragement of a sound producer as well as – in a deliberate confusion of the English word – document the attempt to write a summery album. In its circumspect opulence of sounds and noises »Summer Kling« has become a late summery record. F.S Blumm moves backwards from autumn. And he is gradually gaining speed.

»Flosse», for instance, is a song in a special mood, a song that is setting off. A sunrise maybe, when the day begins to broaden in a still silent way. Just as people meet each other, the instruments do join, too. Together they ensnare the one and delicate melody. Chamber folk, one could call it. From serious to easy - and backward.

»Summer Kling« will be interpreted live together with Wilm Thoben and Andreas Otto: as the F.S Blumm Trio.